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Stay ahead of threats with our AI-Powered DDI & WAF


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In the intricate web of modern networking, the Domain Name System (DNS) stands as a foundational pillar. It's responsible for translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses and ensuring seamless connectivity. Yet, as foundational as it is, the system remains vulnerable to a slew of sophisticated cyber threats. In this landscape, TCPWave has positioned itself as a game-changer, offering a transformative approach to DNS management and security.

Simplified Multi-Cloud Management

Simplified Multi-Cloud Management

  • Our unified cloud DNS Management offers a centralized platform for managing DNS records across multiple cloud providers.
Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-Driven Decision Making

  • With our AI-boosted reports, we provide actionable insights into the network's health and security posture.
Improved Security

Improved Security

  • Our AI-Infused DNS Framework offers real-time monitoring and rapid threat mitigation.
Cost Savings

Cost Savings

  • The Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) DNS functionality streamlines application traffic management, resulting in optimized delivery and cost savings.
The AI-Infused DNS Framework
The AI-Infused DNS Framework
Traditional DNS mechanisms, while essential, often respond after threats have surfaced

Our integration of advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, especially BERT, represents a more proactive, forward-thinking approach to DNS security. With Alice, the AI-powered network assistant, real-time monitoring and rapid threat mitigation become a reality, ensuring the network remains robust against evolving ransomware and other malicious entities.

AI-Infused Reports
For a network architect, visibility is paramount

Harnessing the power of AI, we offer dynamic reporting capabilities. These AI-boosted reports provide in-depth insights, analytics, and forecasts, making it easier for network professionals to identify patterns, detect vulnerabilities, and make informed decisions. In an era where data drives decisions, these enhanced reports ensure that every decision is backed by a deep, AI-driven understanding of the network's health and security posture.

AI-Infused Reports
Reimagining Traffic Management
Reimagining Traffic Management
Efficient traffic distribution across servers is a top priority

Our Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) DNS is an innovative approach to this challenge. Positioned at the network's edge, it refines application traffic management, ensuring optimized delivery, resilience, and significant cost savings. This not only elevates user experience but also paves the way for efficient resource utilization, reducing both capital and operational costs.

AI-Infused WAF
Protection at the application layer is a critical facet of holistic network security

Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) harnesses AI to offer a more resilient line of defense against web-based threats. By analyzing traffic patterns and user behavior, the AI-powered WAF can proactively detect and block malicious activities, ensuring applications remain secure and perform optimally. This AI-centric approach ensures that the WAF can evolve with the threat landscape, offering real-time protection against even the most sophisticated attacks.

AI-Infused WAF
A Unified DNS Ecosystem
A Unified DNS Ecosystem
Integration is the key in a complex network

By combining DNS, SLB, GSLB, and WAF (ADC) functionalities on a single security hardened platform, TCPWave presents a harmonized DNS ecosystem. This integrated approach means fewer components to manage, fewer points of failure, and a unified strategy against threats. Features like the Threat Intelligence, B2B DNS Proxy further solidify the network's defense by mitigating risks such as cache poisoning from external exploits.

Unified Cloud DNS Management
Modern businesses need seamless domain management across multi-cloud environments

Our unified cloud DNS Management is the answer to this complex, multi-dimensional challenge. By offering a centralized platform, we empower network architects to manage DNS records across multiple cloud service providers through a single, intuitive user interface. This unified approach eliminates the need to juggle between different platforms, ensuring consistency, enhancing security, and streamlining operations. In the era of cloud diversification, TCPWave stands out, providing a cohesive strategy for DNS management that aligns with the needs of modern, cloud-centric enterprises.

Unified Cloud DNS Management

In conclusion, through a network architect's lens, TCPWave's approach transcends traditional DNS security. It offers a holistic, integrated, and fortified solution, ensuring networks remain agile, secure, and ready to tackle future challenges head-on. Explore how TCPWave aims to make a difference in simplifying complexity by offering a robust suite of DDI, ADC, and Security features that address critical networking needs.