Enhancing Web Application Performance with Powerful Caching

Boost web performance with TCPWave load balancers and dynamic caching


TCPWave's load balancers enhance speed and scalability by utilizing intelligent caching solutions.

TCPWave load balancers offer a robust caching feature that can greatly enhance the performance of web applications. By storing frequently accessed content in memory or on disk, our load balancers effectively optimize the delivery of web resources, resulting in improved speed and scalability.

Cache Size

Cache Size

  • The cache size attribute allows the load balancer to efficiently identify and retrieve cached resources based on URL, headers, and request attributes.
Cache Lifetime

Cache Lifetime

  • Customize cache lifetime to specify how long a resource remains in the cache before it requires refreshing using the "cache-maximum age" value.
Cacheable Content

Cacheable Content

  • TCPWave caches content as per RFC2616, enabling customization for various types and specific HTTP response codes. ACL-Rules control HTTP method inclusion/exclusion for cached URIs.
TCPWave Load Balancers for Performance and Scalability
TCPWave Load Balancers for Performance and Scalability
  • Description

    Enabling the HTTP cache on a TCPWave SLB frontend member involves activating an HTTP cache mode and configuring appropriate cache settings for the associated VIP. RAM cache settings at the TCPWave SLB level allow HTTP objects from pool members to be stored in the system's random-access memory (RAM). This caching mechanism significantly improves client performance and reduces the load on pool members when processing subsequent requests for cached HTTP objects. Even if the associated pool members become unavailable or offline, the HTTP cache continues to serve requests for uncached HTTP objects, as long as they haven't expired.

  • Recommendations

    Depending on your application environment, you may need to customize the default caching behavior. By implementing ACL rules, you can reject requests when all members in a specific pool are unavailable.

Order of Caching
  • Service Worker Cache

    If a Service Worker is registered and active for the website, it intercepts network requests and stores responses in its own cache. When subsequent requests are made for the same resource, the Service Worker serves the cached response directly, bypassing the network.

  • Browser Cache

    The browser maintains its own cache on the client side. It first checks this cache when a request is made, looking for a valid and up-to-date cached version of the resource. If found, the browser uses the cached version without contacting the TCPWave load balancer.

  • Server-side Cache

    TCPWave load balancers can be configured to implement server-side caching. They cache frequently accessed resources or static content to enhance performance and reduce backend server loads. When a request is received, the load balancer checks its cache for a cached copy of the requested resource. If available, it can directly serve the cached version without forwarding the request to the backend servers.

Order of Caching
Simplified Cache Directives Configuration
Simplified Cache Directives Configuration
  • Cache Directives Simplified

    To implement efficient caching within a TCPWave load balancer's frontend or listen section, utilize the "http-request cache-use" and "http-response cache-store" directives, instructing the load balancer to effectively interact with caching mechanisms during request and response handling. It's worth noting that the inclusion of the "filter" line is context-dependent; it becomes essential when other filter-related lines are present in the section but remains optional otherwise. This strategic caching enhances overall performance by storing commonly requested content and mitigating the necessity for repetitive server fetches.

By leveraging TCPWave load balancers and optimizing caching strategies, web applications can achieve exceptional speed, reduced server loads, and an improved user experience. For further inquiries and solutions tailored to your needs, please contact us.